Monday, 29 December 2008

I Fuckin' Hate Pikeys

But more than that, I hate the way that Councils pay for them.

When the fuck was this EVER considered a good, or a fair principle? These people contribute literally fuck-all to society. They don't pay tax, they don't pay NI, they don't pay for road tax, insurance, or MOT of any of their transit vans/caravans, often they trash the sites that are provided for them (usually with burnt-out cars and old matresses), if they work at all it's as cowboy builders fucking up local residents houses which they'll then steal from. It's a fucking travesty that some handwringing fucktard once decided to pay for their existence from MY taxes.

A travellers camp funded by taxpayers is a "waste of money", according to a councillor who claims it has stood virtually empty since it was built.

The site in Kings Weston Lane, Avonmouth, has been used by just three groups of travellers this year, with five in 2007 and four in 2005, according to Bristol City Tory councillor Spud Murphy.

It was set up seven years ago at a cost of about £630,000 to provide temporary and free accommodation for up 20 families, with estimated annual running costs of £30,000.

Leaving aside the possible lack of credibility of a Councillor called "Spud", this is not small change that is being spent on this worthless scum.

It provides 20 concrete pitches with electricity points for caravans, as well as toilets and showers.

Basically, what normal hard-working folk (who are stupid enough to enjoy caravanning, I might add) are expected to pay for, but these filthy little shits get for free.

What the fuck. Seriously. Who ever decided that pikeys were a worthy cause?

Sunday, 28 December 2008

And who the fuck are you?

So, the Church, however irrelevant they are now, have slagged off the government.

Leg-Iron has blogged an excellent post about it here.

So, which powerful troops have the Labour party wheeled out to combat these attacks, armed with spin and useless tractor statistics? Jackboots? The great Gorgon Himself?


Liam Byrne, whose greatest accolade appears to be to write stupid unfunny demands lists for his staff, and Stuart Bell (who I've never fucking heard of). Fucking hell, I bet the church are quaking in their shoes aren't they, with those heavyweights "rejecting" their claims?

Saturday, 27 December 2008

This is where it ALL starts

Right here,

Film-style age ratings could be applied to websites to protect children from harmful and offensive material, Culture Secretary Andy Burnham has said.

Really. And how do you suppose this will be implemented? "Click here, but only if you're 18. Promise you won't cheat, now." Nanny software to "protect kids" already exists to install on computers. There are already ratings systems for websites but this is almost impossible to enforce. This implies then that the only option left is for the systems to be introduced at source, at the ISP.

Now, what do you suppose this could be a precursor to?

Mr Burnham, a father of three young children, believes internet service providers should offer child-friendly web access.

And how would an ISP tell whether a child is browsing the internet or not? It can't. So that means this Stasi cunt wants to give all people in the UK "child-friendly" access. What if I, as an adult, want to view a beheading video? Or Porn? I won't be able to if this utter mong has his way.

And it might start with blocking beheading videos, but what else could be blocked in the future?

Global Warming denials?
Anti-Government websites?


Apparently we're still to trust them though:
He insisted he was not trying to curb free speech, but wanted to protect the public from "unacceptable" material.

Won't somebody think of the children?

Oh, and who do you suppose decides what is "unacceptable" and what isn't? I reckon Jackboots.

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

How chav can you get?

Apparently now, shooting paramedics is seen as an excellent way to spend your time by chavs.

Jesus christ, what is fucking wrong with these people?

Monday, 22 December 2008

"Can-Do" Attitude

So, Gorgon has promised a "Can-Do" attitude will get us through this financial mess.

Well, that's just fine then. Hip-fucking-hooray, we're saved. Guess that means none of us need to worry any more?

Never mind the fact that you and Badger-Brows have done a breathtakingly awful job of running the economy so far, you pair of deluded Trotskyist cunts.

But he tried to strike an upbeat note, pledging investment in key industries and saying the UK could be "a beacon of hope and opportunity" for the world.

Is he serious?!?! What fucking planet is this guy living on? The rest of the world - for your information, you inept fucktard - is laughing in our face. And rightly so, if I lived in another country I'd laugh too. Yes, there is a global economic crisis. But to brag to the rest of the world that we're well-placed to "weather the storm" when in fact anyone with a fucking ounce of sense knows that we're particularly poorly placed compared to other countries due to our levels of debt and borrowing is a monumentally stupid thing to do, and is why the Germans have been only to happy to point it out in the international press. By the way, your response, to have Milliband pooh-pooh it as "internal German politics" (when it clearly wasn't and has since been supported by both sides of German politics) was a particularly fuckwitted decision. As a country we now have even more egg on our face. You're an embarassment to us all.

Look, it's not difficult to grasp. We've borrowed so much money, and our economy and (lack of) industry is in such a state, that other countries don't think that we really have a chance of paying it back and so the value of our currency is plummeting.

We're fucked Gordon. And it's largely your fault. Admit it, and leave.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Internet Explorer Security Patch

There is a solution, you know.

I've bought an Asus Eee and put it on there, I can't recommend it enough. Seriously.

Arrogant Cyclists

Seriously, if I had a pound for every time I've seen a cyclist sail through a red light, firmly believing the laws of the road apply to everyone but him/her, I wouldn't need to work again.

This isn't something motorists say to get back at the anti-car bile spewed by most of these haughty lycra-clad morons (though they deserve it), it's the fucking truth. Barely a day goes by when I don't see this happen - sometimes it's many times a day, both when I'm driving and on a bike. I've even had another cyclist have the fucking nerve to shout at me for stopping at a red light and blocking him from going through. (No, I didn't smack him off his bike, but I fucking should have done). Before I go any further I should point out that there are many perfectly reasonable cyclists (myself included) who obey the laws of the road and I have no problem with. But I think we all know which utter fucking twats I'm referring to.

Still, apparently in Bristol, police are cracking down on it.

They'll have a fucking job. Read the comments section alone on that article (particularly "Alex", who is for all intents and purposes an utter cunt who jumps on every pro/anti car/cyclist topic on that site with glee to wind everyone up) to get a good idea of what the general views of these millitant cyclists are in Bristol. They fully believe they have the god-given right to:

* sail through red lights without even lookoing
* cycle the wrong way up one-way streets
* race as fast as they can along the pavement or through pedestrianised areas, and fuck any pedestrians in the way, frankly
* squeeze through tight gaps in cars, scratching panels and knocking mirrors

and woe betide ANYONE who gets in their way or stops them. And bear in mind this goes on ALL over Bristol, not just the junction they've mentioned in the article. The centre of town is particularly bad for it.

This millitant anti-car cycling contingent is disappointingly vocal in Bristol, and I can sense they'll only make life worse for drivers as time goes on. It doesn't matter if people lambast them for their terrible road sense and complete lack of consideration for other road users or pedestrians, they believe THEY and THEY ALONE are in the right, and nothing will change that.

And finally, when a cyclist sails through a red light without looking and gets hit by an oncoming car (as I'm sure has already happened, and will happen in the future), who do you think they and the other millitant cyclists will blame?

Clue: It won't be themselves, despite being in the wrong.

Absolute cunts.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

More Government Contradictions

Saturday 13th December
Despite our own economy heading for the fucking knackers yard, Pakistan are so good, we're going to give them £480m of our hard-earned cash, to fund education, healthcare, etc. (Hat Tip OH)

Sunday 14th December
No, no! Pakistan are very bad, they have links to 75% of the most serious terror plots investigated by UK authorities. We're still going to give them £6m though (you can guarantee that we're the sole financial backers of the "£6m partnership" the BBC makes reference to).

So despite Pakistan being a major base for terrorism we're still rewarding them with £486m. Interesting the government couldn't spare £30m to backdate police pay to the date they should have as it "might affect inflation" (remember that?) - they wouldn't fairly backdate the pay of the very people who are supposed to fucking fight terrorism in this country, but will happily pay SIXTEEN TIMES that amount to a country that seems to be home to half the world's terrorism.

Jesus Wept.

Friday, 12 December 2008

Cabot Circus - what they really mean

Bristol City Council, sit up and LISTEN

Manchester has voted NO to a congestion charge.

Manchester's public transport is fucking YEARS ahead of Bristol's. The trams are excellent, fast, reliable and cheap. The buses are also pretty good (although not so cheap due to being run by First) and STILL the public voted NO by an overwhelming majority.

Our publc transport is third world in comparison to them.

Think about this.

Don't you fucking DARE try and introduce a Congestion Charge here in Bristol. The public transport is so catastrophically terrible that you can never, ever justify it.

You might plan BRT routes and "Showcase" routes - it doesn't matter. Manchester's public tranport will STILL be better and the city's residents STILL don't believe there's justification for one.

You fucking WHAT?

Can you believe the lies are still coming?!?!?!!! This time from that slimey toadying freak, Milliband.

Germany backs Labour's decision to borrow billions to fund tax cuts in a bid to boost the UK economy, Foreign Secretary David Miliband has insisted.

So, who is better to tell us whether Germany backs our decision or not - David Millicunt, or two senior German politicians?

For fucks sake, Milliband - stop taking us for idiots. You utter, utter cunt.

Draft Bristol City Council Revenue Budget Published

It's out.

Council tax to increase by 3.5% - no surprise there.

But what the fuck is this:

£900,000 to meet the rising cost of waste disposal as a result of landfill taxes and charges.

Taxes and charges from the fucking EU. Another reason to tell them to fuck right off.
£400,000 extra to market the city nationally and internationally to
encourage more business investment and to provide residents with more information about local services.

This is clearly the biggest fucking waste. What the fuck do we need to "market the city" for, and why the fuck should we pay for it? You stupid, pointless cunts.
£300,000 to employ more staff in our customer services centres and
improve the way we answer calls about housing and benefits services.

Shows how many phone calls they get from people about their "benfids", frankly.
£470,000 to deliver more frequent and better quality grounds maintenance, grass cutting and shrub clearance programmes – and strengthen parks patrols across the city’s green and open spaces.

What the fuck - what is so bad about Bristol's green space currently that it needs £470,000 to fix it? They hardly have the best reputation recently with Green Space anyway.
This increase is expected to be well within the government’s guideline limit and is likely to be lower than increases set by many other authorities in the South West and elsewhere in England.

Yeah, well, we'll see about that won't we. I'll be keeping a close eye on other authorities rises. Just because you say it, it doesn't make it so.

Thursday, 11 December 2008

It IS Gordon's fault

The Telegraph puts it better than I can.

Flash Gordon

Well, someone had to a do a remix - may as well be me.

Tuesday, 9 December 2008

John McDonnell - standing up for the country's lazy and feckless


A left-wing Labour MP has warned of widespread opposition to proposed reforms aimed at getting more people into work.

Claimants will have to do some form of work or prepare themselves for finding a job in future if they want to receive benefits, ministers have indicated.

The proposals will be outlined in a White Paper on Wednesday.

They are expected to include penalties for people who turn down reasonable job offers or job interviews, potentially including the loss of benefits or mandatory community service.

All in all, sounds good to me.

But not to hand-wringing John:
"It is lunacy to force people into jobs that are not there and to force lone parents to take up childcare which is either unaffordable or non-existent," he said.

"There is widespread and growing dismay at the government's dismantling of the welfare state built by the post-war Labour government."

It's hard to contain my anger at reading such apologist shite. How the fuck can he talk about "forcing people into jobs that are not there"? The fucking article talks about penalties for people who turn down reasonable job offers or interviews. That means the jobs are there, you fucking moron.

It's because of Socialist arseholes such as this character that we have a huge underclass of people who can't be bothered to work. And he seems to want to keep them there - he obviously understands the need for votes from the workshy and the feckless.

The dismay will only be "widespread" throughout the population of lazy worthless scum as they realise they might have to actually work for their money rather than sit back on the sofa and expect it to be given to them.

Well, fuck them, frankly. I'm fed up with working my arse off every day so others who simply can't be arsed don't have to. And fuck you too, John McDonnell, for supporting them.

Monday, 8 December 2008

These people need a carbon footprint to the fucking face


Flights at Stansted airport have been delayed after more than 50 protesters occupied a secure area near the runway.

Climate action group Plane Stupid said it started the protest at 0315 GMT by breaching security.

Oh for fucks sake, here we go again.

Ms Kember said she was "incredibly apologetic" that passengers had been affected, but added: "The effects of climate change are going to be monumental."

So now apparently, the great unwashed have the right to stop people excersising their free will to travel to destinations of their choice. Hundreds of families and business people who have all paid money to fly on a flight are having their days ruined by a bunch of self-important cunts. How do you explain to your kids they're going to have to spend the next 7 hours at the airport because some people who have no jobs and nothing better to do with their time feel like imposing their beliefs on people?

Do these people not fucking realise that the more you ram all this climate change alarmist nonsense down people's throats, the more and more apathetic they will become? It's like all the bullshit about unplugging mobile phone chargers when you're not using them. Mobile phone chargers are Switched-Mode Power Supplies, which means that when there isn't a phone plugged into them, they don't draw any power. Even when there is a phone plugged in, the power drawn can be barely measured. We need to fly places - how else do these fucking twats assume we can get to America if we need to? By boat? A little more fucking common sense is required here.

I accept climate change is happening, I accept that humans probably contribute to it (though we're not the sole cause) but I also firmly believe that it's used conveniently as a form of money-grabbing by governments and the IPCC, which I find despicable. I also think that the alarmism has got WAY out of hand and we really need to get a grip on things.

Saturday, 6 December 2008

"It's the football"

Why is it that every Saturday during Football Season the roads go to fucking shit in South Bristol? Cumberland basin is the worst - the most appalling parking I've ever seen goes on here. People parking in one of the fucking lanes of the dual carriageway forcing all the traffic into one lane, on pavements, on corners - parking generally like absolute retards. Normally the police and parking wardens would have a field day, but apparently it's OK because's the football.

So fucking what? If a load of knuckle-dragging "missing links" want to pay ridiculous sums of money to stand in the freezing cold shouting themselves hoarse and watch people kick a ball around a field that's their choice - but why the fuck should they be awarded special "mong parking" dispensation because they can't be arsed to park properly and walk?

It might be argued there isn't enough parking at the ground but quite frankly that's not the fucking problem of the residents who then can't park outside their house when there's a match on. (An RPZ wouldn't solve this as the hours of operation wouldn't include Saturdays for this very reason).

The worst thing of all of this is that when the Bristol Balloon Fiesta was on, people who had parked similarly on the dual carriageway of Cumberland Basin were ticketed and then towed away - by the police.

Why the FUCK aren't they out there RIGHT NOW towing away all the fucking plebs who have parked like retards? They could make a fortune. Just what have Bristol City Football Club offered to the Police and Bristol City Council to get them to turn a blind eye?

Some FOI requests are in order I think.

Oh fuck....

Many bloggers such as Guido and Obo are picking up on an ammendment to the Banking bill:

Section 6 of the Bank Charter Act 1844 (Bank to produce weekly account) shall cease to have effect.

What does this mean? In short, that the Government no longer want us to know how much money the Bank of England is printing. This can only mean one thing - they're planning on printing shitloads of it. We are fucked.

As Wikipedia says:

The main cause of hyperinflation is a massive and rapid increase in the amount of money, which is not supported by growth in the output of goods and services. This results in an imbalance between the supply and demand for the money (including currency and bank deposits), accompanied by a complete loss of confidence in the money, similar to a bank run. Enactment of legal tender laws and price controls to prevent discounting the value of paper money relative to gold, silver, hard currency, or commodities, fails to force acceptance of a paper money which lacks intrinsic value. If the entity responsible for printing a currency promotes excessive money printing, with other factors contributing a reinforcing effect, hyperinflation usually continues. Often the body responsible for printing the currency cannot physically print paper currency faster than the rate at which it is devaluing, thus neutralizing their attempts to stimulate the economy.

Which in short, is what happened in Zimbabwe.

Fuck sake, it seems each week we discover a new level of stupidity within our government. The hand-wringing bearded Trotskyists seem happy to take their social experiment to the bitter end.

Also further down the Wikipedia article:
Governments will often try to disguise the true rate of inflation through a variety of techniques. These can include the following:

* Outright lying in official statistics such as money supply, inflation or reserves.
* Suppression of publication of money supply statistics, or inflation indices.
* Price and wage controls.
* Forced savings schemes, designed to suck up excess liquidity. These savings schemes may be described as pensions schemes, emergency funds, war funds, or something similar.
* Adjusting the components of the Consumer price index, to remove those items whose prices are rising the fastest.

None of these actions address the root causes of inflation, and in fact, if discovered, tend to further undermine trust in the currency, causing further increases in inflation.

(the last option on the list is pretty much standard form for the government now).

Anyone else considering emigration? It's looking like a more attractive option every month. Global problem my fucking arse.

Friday, 5 December 2008

Never were truer words typed

The greatest threat to the future of the Labour Party is prosperity. Apart from a few tens of thousands of votes from eccentric aristocrats and Guardian-reading, middle-class sentimentalists, Labour depends on the votes of two categories of people; state employees and the poor. It is in the interests of the Labour Party to maximise the numbers of both.

From The Last Ditch

Thursday, 4 December 2008

As I suspected all along.

Karen Matthews and that bloke with the dodgy eyes have been found guilty of kidnapping Shannon Matthews.

I always suspected that they were after their own version of the Maddy McCann fund, but were too pikey and stupid to pull it off. In fact, I posted

Anyone else suspect they were all in on it, hoping for their own "find Maddy fund"?

Fucking pikey mongtard council-estate-dwelling scum!

on right back in April. Turns out my suspicions were correct.

Anyone else remember the "celebrations" outside the Matthews household when Shannon was found, with all the locals drinking cans of Carling and a disco set up outside? You'd never know it was a pikey council estate!

My Debt to Labour

More self-congratulatory bollocks

What the hell is the music used as well?

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

How is Lord Laming the man for the job?

How come the government, along with that utter moron Blinky Balls (barely able to string a sentence together on the press interview video) expect us to just trust what Lord Laming says, given the criticisms quite rightly levelled at him in the Victoria Climbie case?

Lord Laming headed the department in Hertfordshire at the time of the 1990 case, which led to the Local Government Ombudsman making a finding of "maladministration with injustice", the strongest criticism open to him.

Yeah OK, so he's going to be "independent" then, isn't he. About as "independent" as Lord Goldsmith on the decision to invade Iraq, and as "independent" as Lord Hutton on the death of David Kelly?

Why the fuck do the government just assume we'll trust the outcome if it's come from one of their mates?

For fucks sake, they really do think we're stupid, don't they.

Monday, 1 December 2008

Who'll be on the list?

Mandelsnake is going to be devising criteria for choosing which businesses and industries are of enough importance to the UK economy to warrant being saved.

Essentially, I'm guessing he'll end up with a list of the companies the government is willing to bail out.

Will this just be a list of companies that have donated to the Labour party?

Why yes. Yes, I think it will.

Duplicitous cunt.

Sunday, 30 November 2008

More lies

Such arrogance. "Listen to me proles, this is what you are now instructed to think and believe happened."

As far as I see it, there are three options:

* Labour ministers, most definitely including Jacqui Smith and Gordon Brown, not only knew the arrest it was going to happen, but requested it did.
* Labour ministers, most definitely including Jacqui Smith and Gordon Brown, knew the arrest was going to happen, but didn't request it.
* No Labour minister knew that this was going to happen, frankly incredible given the other ministers that did.

Neither option is good.

Saturday, 29 November 2008

Spot the liars

Gordon Brown:

But the winner is CLEARLY Jacqui Smith.

How fucking arrogant is this woman? Look at the way she speaks to the camera. She clearly knew this was happening, she probably ordered the fucking arrest in the first place. She'll be rumbled, eventually. And what the fuck is the Demon Headmaster doing hanging around in the background like some senile old pensioner? He barely looks like he knows where he is.

Friday, 28 November 2008

Of course he fucking knew!

So, quite rightly, everyone's talking about the arrest of Damian Green. But just fucking watch as the arrogance of the government gets ever worse...

But the Home Office said ministers were not informed until after the arrest.


Downing Street insisted ministers had not been given advance warning and Prime Minister Gordon Brown said it was purely a police matter. "I had no prior knowledge, the home secretary had no prior knowledge, I know of no other minister who had any prior knowledge," he told Sky News, adding: "I knew about it only after it had happened."

I'm sorry, but what a load of fucking BOLLOCKS. Of course you knew, Gordon, you fucking arrogant, snotgobbling cunt. How dare you think you can pull the wool over our eyes again?

As Old Holborn said, either he and ministers did know, in which case we're living in an authoritarian state, or they didn't, in which case we're living in a police state.

Thursday, 27 November 2008


Am I the only one that fucking hates this call in the House of Commons, usually during PMQs? Both sides of the house do it, as soon as one of their respective speakers says something that's supposed to be pertinent or interesting.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

They sound like a right bunch of pompous cunts. Which I suppose they all are.

Obo and Guido have also covered a revelation that Gordon Brown is paying whips to shout down the opposition. What a fucking disgrace, but I'll be honest, I expected no different. He knows his (and his parties) days are numbered. They surely haven't got a hope of winning the next election...have they?

Wednesday, 26 November 2008


Source here

From January English councils will be able to bid for pilot schemes to incentivise people for recycling more and deter them from throwing stuff away.

Previous pay-as-you-throw pilots were abandoned, but the survey showed 79% of women and 70% of men saying they should be rewarded financially if they create less waste and recycle more.

That can be translated as "people will be punished financially if they create more waste and recycle less".

I will hopefully get the definitive answer as to whether Bristol plans to implement this tomrrow.

Kerry McCarthy speaks sense

On her blog comments here

The problem is, that some of these people are unemployable - not just because of lack of qualifications, but more because of lack of social skills or any awareness of what is right or proper behaviour.

Christ, is this the first time ever a Labour MP has identified the workshy feckless chav underclass their Socialist governance has created?

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Southwest One Part I

Welcome to my first posting on Southwest One - in what I hope will be a long series, fueled with all the information I am able to dig up on this highly suspect organisation.

The Bristol Blogger, James Barlow and MP Ian Liddell-Granger have done excellent work on it, hopefully I can continue.

A bit of background (mainly from the above sources)...

What is it?
Southwest One is a joint venture Shared Services Company formed of two Councils - Somerset and Taunton Dean, Avon and Somerset Police Constabulary, and IBM.

Why the controversy?

Take your pick from any number of reasons. Secrecy - The governance structure of Southwest One was branded "confidential" yet the company is funded by over £400m of public money. IBM have tried particularly hard to dodge the Audit Commission Act, which doesn't have the "commercial confidentiality" clauses the Freedom of Information Act had (but now doesn't, muahahaha). The Staffing Agreement document was kept from UNISON and other members of staff, and the document was apparently signed at 4am on a Satuday morning! IBM - they own 75% of the company, meaning they reap 75% of the profits (if Southwest One ever make any, which currently looks pretty unlikely). Finally, a wealthy of other dubious issues, including the fact that Avon & Somerset's Chief Constable's wife was in charge of the procurement/tender process on Taunton Dean CC's side. Hmmmm.

Is Bristol affected?

Yes, potentially. Southwest One has a framework agreement, covering all local authorities in the southwest (including of course Bristol City Council) and several public sector bodies signed up, which could become a large regonal shared service project. This means that they can utilise services provided by Southwest One without going through a tending/procurement process. Notice that whilst 22 authorities/public sector bodies are declared, 14 have chosen not to.

This could mean that Bristol City Council's IT and other shared services could be outsourced to Southwest One, along with quite possibly many other dubious/dodgy transfers. Only time will tell.

Sunday, 23 November 2008

Admit it, you useless snot-gobbling mong're fucked, and you know it.

I'm interested to hear, but also slightly dreading, the economic announcement due tomorrow. Whatever it contains you can guarantee the general gist of it will be bribing the lazy, the work-shy, and the feckless (who are after all the only people left that will vote Labour) with lots of tax cuts in an attempt to preserve Gordon's image. Everything that's happened so far has been to preserve Gordon's image rather than in the public's financial interest. Whether it's the fact that the cash injections into Northern Rock have lost us a load more money or cutting VAT, they're deliberately avoiding talking about the fact that this will mean huge, huge tax rises later - regardless of who's in power.

This Marxist cunt along with his badger-browed Trotskyist sidekick is going to send this country to the fucking wall.

I just despair.

Ford Ka Drivers

How is it such a guaranteed certainty that if you are sat at a junction behind a Ford Ka wanting to turn right onto a main road, that you'll be stuck there for 10 minutes whilst gaps big enough for an articulated truck to pull out come and go?

What is it about the Ford Ka that attracts the kind of inexcusably-timid morons who should have never been rewarded with a driving licence?

Friday, 21 November 2008

What a fantastic FOI Request

Dear Sir or Madam,

What numbers of people are employed by the Council with the
following words in their job titles:

1. Community 2. Equality/equalities 3. Diversity 4. Cohesion

What is the total salary bill for these employees?

Yours faithfully, Steve Woods which the reply is:

Dear Mr Woods,

As at 6th October 2008:

- There are 238 Bristol City Council employees that have community, equality/equalities, diversity or cohesion in their job titles.

- The total salary bill for these employees is £3,355,257.54.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Wright
Bristol City Council

I wonder how many would be eligable for OH's Pointless Jobs Competition?

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

BNP Membership list leaked

It's available on Wikileaks.

193 members in Bristol. Hmmmm. I'm not in any way a supporter of the BNP (plus I generally find their public figures to be utter cuntwafts, Nick Griffin for starters) but leaking names/addresses/phone numbers/children's names of members of a generally disliked (and often hated) organisation is possibly quite dodgy.

Still funny though.

Whadda load of old SHIT

Seriously, how terrible is this? I assume these leaders are paid extraordinarily large sums of (tax-payers) money to learn all those ridiculous phrases:

  • "Every single member of the council is a leader" (Oh, please)
  • "Green shoots of change" (wtf)
  • "Transformational Chief Executive" (on £180k)
  • "Clarity of purpose"
  • "Right across the piece" (?)
  • "Appetite for change"
  • "Push boundaries, be radical, take risks" (Yeah, that really sounds like a typical council worker)

But where was "synergy", "blue-sky thinking", "touching base", and "paradigm-shifts"? What a load of pointless management gumph.

Jan Ormondroyd sounded like she really didn't want to be there.

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

First step...

Maybe finally we'll see the Channel 4 Drama "The Trial Of Tony Blair" come true! I love how Blair and that cunt Jack Straw were always so defensive of Lord Goldsmith's "independence". Yeah, OK then.

Hopefully he'll take all his Blairite supporters, including that awful cow Dawn Primarolo, who voted very strongly for the Iraq war and also very strongly against an investigation into the war. Funny, that. She's also voted strongly for introducing ID cards, student top-up fees, and very strongly for Anti-Terror laws.

I wonder if she could get her tongue any further up Blair's/Brown's arse? I wonder if she's ever even been spoken to by a whip?

The Iraq war was blatantly illegal, immoral, and has cost us countless billions of pounds, as well as lost lives. What's been gained? I really fucking hope we get an PROPER, INDEPENDENT investigation into the legality of it. Even the Conservatives should be able to pick up on it, despite voting for the war, by claiming they were misled.

Tony, you arrogant cock-knocker, you're going down.

Monday, 17 November 2008

What a post!

Old Holborn speaks the truth.

Saturday, 15 November 2008

Bristol an Anti-Car city?

I was reminded of some letters I've seen the ABD write into the evening post about Bristol being an "anti-car" city, as well as information about a meeting on the subject being held by the ABD in Bristol.

I'm torn on this, because I am a devout petrolhead and deeply disagree with the villifcation and arbritary taxation of people who are simply choosing the cheapest, most reliable, most enjoyable, and most practical form of transport.


1) I think the ABD are a bunch of (in the main) Daily Mail-reading Jaguar-driving cunts who spend more time campaigning against 30mph speed limits than they do actually supporting the cause of petrolheads.
2) I don't think Bristol (as a city) is anti-car.

Quite the opposite, I feel at the moment for travelling between certain parts of the city a car is essential because public transport is so woeful, and so FUCKING EXPENSIVE. There are certainly some anti-car residents (mainly fucking hypocrites living in areas like Redland and Bishopston where car ownership is very high), anti-car blogs (a few have commented here), and certainly with RPZ's, Congestion Charging, etc planned Bristol could turn into an anti-car city.

The problem is, and always has been, lack of alternatives. Public transport in Bristol, and I choose my words very carefully, is fucking appalling. How Bristol City Council can have the sheer temerity to claim anything else I simply do not know. First Bus's prices are shocking, to the extent if there's any more than one person travelling, it's far cheaper to take a car - even taking into account running costs other than petrol - tax, insurance, etc. I'm still at a complete loss why Bristol City Council doesn't tell First Bus to sort their fucking act out - after all, they are the ones that give First Bus permission to operate in Bristol. Even worse, they subside some of the routes!! Jesus H Christ on a tricycle, what do First Bus "have" on BCC that they're still allowed to operate, and still allowed to charge such obscene fares?

Because I can tell you now, piss-poor public transport is NOT a UK thing, it's a Bristol thing. Go and use the tube or the buses in London, or the trams in Manchester, or the buses in Sheffield, and you'll soon see what I mean.

On other alternatives, I'm pleased to see the cycling grants awarded to the city - I cycle to work and back every day to save money on petrol and to get fit. Seperation is the key - anything to keep the buses and cars out of my way whilst I'm struggling up a hill, and anything to get the lycra-clad, arrogant, rules-don't-apply-to-me-especially-traffic-lights cycling twats out of my way when I'm in my car. Yes, I see the contradiction here too. I hope it makes sense.

Maybe I should class myself as a "more reasonable than the ABD" petrolhead then, as I love driving, would never sell my car, but want much more investment in public tranport and cycling?

How funky is this?

Why was this never introduced? Bristol needs trams again!

Friday, 14 November 2008

Europe in recession

No shit.

I simply don't understand how Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling can have the temerity to stand there and state that we're "well placed" to survive it. Maybe in their crazy, Trotskyist minds we are. But ask anyone who knows what they're talking about and they'll tell you we're truly fucked.

How are we "well placed"? We have rocketing levels of unemployment, not to mention the public debt we have (which conveniently doesn't include a lot of debts "off the books" such as PFI schemes, public sector pension guarantees, bank bailouts, etc)

I think now is the time to start worrying.

Missing Posts?

"Avid" readers of the blog may notice a few posts missing. Don't worry, there's no major conspiracy, it's just one of the chain of 2 or 3 people that passed on the information got "cold feet", wasn't sure if the information should be published, and asked for it to be removed. Concience? Who knows.

Anyway, out of respect to her, I have done so - though I'm not sure the information is really very sensitive and I'm confident Bristol City Council would of course have told us eventually. Fear not readers, I will be replacing the content with quality bile ASAP.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

Having said that...

Sometimes I wish PMQs could end up like this. Gorgon wouldn't last 10 seconds (mind you, I'm not sure Dave would either).

Wednesday, 12 November 2008


This week, bloody hell, t'was a good one.

I've never seen Cameron so angry. Brown just ended up looking like the mong that he is. And why does he look like he's having a stroke every time he smiles?


I'm also not quite sure why Brown is so happy to have Lord Laming heading up the inquiry, given the controversy over the Climbie case when it was noted that when Laming was head of Hertfordshire County Council's Social Services when they were accused of misconduct.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008


The only political party I've found so far that I think is actually worth joining.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Absolutely fucking horrifying

H/T Obo for this one, I am genuinely staggered to read this.

Britain's security agencies and police would be given unprecedented and legally binding powers to ban the media from reporting matters of national security, under proposals being discussed in Whitehall.

Interesting how you can already guess that the definition of "matters of national security" is going to be infinitely flexible isn't it.

Fuck me, it's remarkably telling that the BBC haven't reported this anywhere. Maybe they're not planning on reporting it until the legislation has been passed and it'll be too late.

The ISC report said the DA-Notice system "provides advice and guidance to the media about defence and counter-terrorism information, whilst the system is voluntary, has no legal authority, and the final responsibility for deciding whether or not to publish rests solely with the editor or publisher concerned. The system has been effective in the past. However, the Cabinet Secretary told us ... this is no longer the case: 'I think we have problems now.'"

So the fact that the media can still lawfully ignore a D-Notice (as it's only "advice and guidance") isn't good enough for them. They want to force press with legal threats not to publish anything.

D-Notices have already been used to great affect, including (allegedly)

  • Two high-profile (apparently "household name") Labour MPs implicated in Operation Ore - if anyone knows who these MPs are (it was leaked onto certain sites at the time) let me know
  • Airport Security breaches in the 80s
  • Prince Harry's excursion to Afghanistan (though this was eventually leaked)
  • In fact, probably Prince Harry's paternity (doesn't stop numerous Mock The Week references though)

Two questions arise from this:
1) What else have D Notices been used for? The suspicious circumstances surrounding the deaths of many, many people, not least Robin Cook and Dr. David Kelly?
2) What the fuck has been leaked that they're not happy with, and what would be stifled in the future?

Christ all fucking mighty, we really are living in Soviet Russia now aren't we.

You're being watched...

Here's another reason why 1984 needed to be sent to the 646 - whether they take note or not - the state of CCTV in Bristol, which I'm guessing is replicated in most cities across the UK. I have been sent some rather interesting statistics and info.

The City of Bristol has 347 CCTV cameras, and a further 43 traffic cameras. All of the CCTV cameras have very powerful zoom, and ALL footage from ALL cameras is recorded, 24 hours a day. Don't think Bristol City Council don't have the capacity to do this, because they do. The BNET fibre network goes all over Bristol and takes the CCTV pictures in Digital back to a central HQ where they're monitored and recorded.

Furthermore, ALL of the traffic cameras are running ANPR, so any car they want to track can be.

Take a look at the amount of cameras just in the city centre:

That big blob in the centre of the map is at the new Carboot Circus development.

You might say; "Well, that's fine. The cameras will catch all the chavs that try to nick stuff from shops, and all the pikeys driving without insurance".

That's probably all it's used for now. But the point is, the capability exists for some serious abuse of power. Think about it, you can be tracked anywhere, pretty much, in the centre. Worse than that, if they spot you and want to know where you've been, they can find that out too. Oh, but they aren't interested in little old me, are they? After all,

If you've got nothing to hide, you needn't worry.

And are you actually, seriously, suggesting that you TRUST the government, local or national? Given everything that's happened? Fuck me, take the example of recent data losses, of which there has been ridiculous amounts. These are just the ones we know about! How many countless other "breaches" do you suppose have occured? (I love the word "breach" by the way, an attempt to make it sound better than it is. A bit like "abscond" instead of "escape").

The public sector has proven, time and time again, that they are simply not fit to deal with any kind of sensitive data. And yet Jacqui Smith still thinks we trust her plans for ID cards. The private sector fucking manage it, why don't the public sector? God knows they have enough cash thrown at it. Is it just Council "laziness"? Or is it more than that?

I've always thought the Public sector purely exists to give jobs to those who are otherwise unemployable in the private sector. I'd hope I would be proved wrong, but it seems pretty fucking unlikely so far.

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Kerry McCarthy, you stupid cow

Hat Tip to Old Holborn for this one

The second MP to respond to the LPUK's excellent 1984 campaign is Kerry McCarthy, who's blog comments in response to a very important item being sent to her are just fucking atrocious. Talk about proving the point, Kerry! She's now disabled comments on her blog. Maybe scared of going the way of Tom Harris?

And at 10.51 yesterday morning the order went out to UKLP members on their website to swamp my blog with comments.

Hmmmm. Not according to the LPUK. Think I'll trust my instincts on this one, Kerry.

Given that she was quite happy to claim £155,487 in expenses on top of her £60k+ salary a year, and then have the fucking front to whinge about the reaction to the MPs expense row, she is in no position to lecture anybody.

And now she's put her fingers in her ears.

Well Kerry, let me, as someone who has lived in Bristol all my life, give you some advice.

The LPUK's action was not a stunt, it represents, genuinely how people in this country are feeling about how the government acts. Don't think for one second that there aren't many, many people in Bristol alone that feel like this. Your attempts to justify the increasingly draconian legislation YOU want introduced are just pathetic.

Public support of CCTV - hmmmm. I think if people in Bristol truly knew how many CCTV cameras were watching their every move throughout Bristol (as I'll reveal here very soon) they might be asking a few questions.

Your voting record tells us all we need to know about your ideas of freedom, and your contempt for the British Public.

Two people that may not be remembered today

Terrorism threat growing, apparently

According to a secret intelligence report the Telegraph have got their hands on.

Fucking YAWN. How big can the threat grow?

How long have we been on a "high" state of a alert for? And then every time the government feels like people are complaining a bit too much about anything, they use that old "govern with fear" chesnut and the BBC (who are basically now Pravda) run a report on how scared we are all now instructed to be, with pictures of armed police.

Or maybe they want to increase support for ID cards and think this is a good way to do it.

Newsflash, Jacqui, you fucking arrogant cunt, nobody in this country believes you when you say that ID cards will help combat terrorism. Why is this? Because we're not as fucking stupid as you think we are. Do try to remember this with any future dealings with the public.

And you can ram your ID card, and it's associated costs that we'll have to pay for, up your fucking arse.

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Yeah, I wondered when you'd pop up

I was wondering when this odious little turd would pop his head up managing to put some UK-negative spin on the US Presidential elections. Seriously, unless we have a black person (notice not Asian or any other minority race) in every position of authority this guy will not rest.

He described what he saw as "institutional resistance" to selecting black and Asian candidates. It was no coincidence that there were only 15 ethnic minority MPs, he said.

It's always easy to blame apathy within the black and Asian communities on institutional racism. Always someone else's fault, isn't it Trevor, you fucking whinging cunt.

However, this bit is a little confusing:
However, he said he believed the Conservatives had performed better than Labour in increasing the number of black and Asian parliamentary candidates.

"[The Conservatives] are less democratic. They are happier to impose candidates on the local parties."

What the fuck - so he thinks the Conservatives have done better than Labour in increasing the number of BME parliamentary candidates, but this is due to them being less democratic? So now political parties are supposed to impose black and Asian candidates on people? This guy seriously is not living in the real world.

P.S. Lose the glasses. You look like Howard from the Halifax adverts, you fucking twat.