Wednesday 19 November 2008

Whadda load of old SHIT

Seriously, how terrible is this? I assume these leaders are paid extraordinarily large sums of (tax-payers) money to learn all those ridiculous phrases:

  • "Every single member of the council is a leader" (Oh, please)
  • "Green shoots of change" (wtf)
  • "Transformational Chief Executive" (on £180k)
  • "Clarity of purpose"
  • "Right across the piece" (?)
  • "Appetite for change"
  • "Push boundaries, be radical, take risks" (Yeah, that really sounds like a typical council worker)

But where was "synergy", "blue-sky thinking", "touching base", and "paradigm-shifts"? What a load of pointless management gumph.

Jan Ormondroyd sounded like she really didn't want to be there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Change this change that change everything.
How about the lazy fuckers stop talking crap and get on with actually doing their jobs.I take it that the council worked perfectly well while these wasters spent the day talking crap.
Sack everyone who attended as they are all clearly surplus to requirement.