A certain degree of value
A student is suing her university, alleging that the course was crap. *Quelle
But here is a lovely comment on the situation...
Amatey Doku, Nat...
6 years ago
This appears to be the man responsible: http://blog.numenity.org/
Yeah, but acting on whose instruction? :-P
Bloody hell. This is an absolute disgrace. I've only perused BB fairly recently and it doesn't seem to me to be a particularly outlandish or libellous site. What's going on?
Fuck. I hope it wasn't what I said about the green belt
it would be nice to get a bit of clarity on the situation. it all seems a bit suspect.
i have to agree with w/bay, it is a disgrace!!
had a quick look around your blog for the first time dave & found some interesting subjects & views.
look forward to viewing it again.
i also look forward to the b/b's return to the blogosphere in the near future.
It's back!
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