Thursday 16 April 2009

Potholes used by councils to slow traffic

In Essex, at the moment, but I wonder if Bristol are doing the same thing?

An Essex parish council wants potholes to be left unfilled for longer to act as a "natural traffic calming" measure. Navestock parish councillors claim repairing potholes is costly and allows motorists to drive faster. Critics say uneven roads are a danger to cyclists and motorbike riders and could lead to more insurance claims.

Has anyone done this? I know someone who allegedly claimed for compensation for new suspension on his car from the council but never had this verified. Can it be done?


Martin said...

This truly blows my mind.
In the US, KFC offered to fix Chicago potholes at no cost to the taxpayer:,0,406116.story

The only condition was that the repairs were covered by the KFC logo, done in chalk- just chalk. The chicago authorities turned this offer down, the buggers.

Stitch's Master said...

Yes you can claim from the council, expect as much twisting to get out of it as you would from making an insurance claim though!

Anonymous said...

I have heard you can, but as Stich's master says, I expect you would have all sorts of get out clauses, and would probably end up with some accusation of using a mobile/eating/scratching/sneezing at the wheel resulting in a £5000 fine and a 5 year stretch

AngryDave said...

I binned my bike on shell grip that had just been put down leaving over an inch of loose gravel with warning signs. I was only travelling at walking pace up to a red light, squeezed the lever with 2 fingers, and the front went from under me.
I claimed from the councils contractor because i went and took photos of the accident site. I did over £200 of damage, but had no injuries. Because i was not taking the piss and asking for compo for injuries or trauma i did not have they coughed up straight away.
If you are going to make a claim you need to have photos, and you need to do them asap, before you contact the council. Otherwise signs may suddenly appear, and conditions may change. Start taking pictures from some distance, with wide shots showing everything you saw on your approach, then work your way in and highlight the details and relevant facts right to the spot of the accident. This is similar to the way the police photograph a accident scene, and it stands up in court.
I am quite lucky in the sense that i have had police training with regards to what is objectively classed as evidence, and i am a amature photographer. If anyone wants any advice just ask.

AngryDave said...

Sorry! Should be 'no wrning signs'.